January 7, 2001
Welcome to the Fulfillment@Work Newsletter
Published by Joel Garfinkle, Dream Job Coaching ISSN: 1533-3906
1. Feature Article: ACHIEVABLE STEPS FOR THE YEAR 2001
2. Quotes of the Week
3. Tip of the Week: Contributed by Gabrielle Campbell
4. We Recommend: Don't Sabotage Your Success! Make Office Politics Work by Karen Ginsburg Wood
Feature Article
Now on to how to create momentum! The New Year is traditionally the time of year when we all set goals and motivate ourselves to achieve them. It is also the time of year when the best laid plans can go awry and the best intentions can get derailed. Why is this? We try to take on the world - we are going to lose weight, get our dream job, dream house, dream spouse and more!
Don't get me wrong, having these goals is great! Reach for the stars! Want it all! Let's make sure that you achieve those goals though. How to do that? Break things down into achievable steps so you can see immediate results that will continue to inspire and motivate you and keep you on track. Here are some tips:
- Begin with the end in mind. Pick the top 3 things that you want to accomplish in 2001. Consider such areas as spirit, family, friends, work, health, prosperity and more.
- From those top 3 desired accomplishments, choose a goal to achieve in the next 3 months. - - - - In order to progress towards that goal, pick an action step related to your goal that you can achieve in the month of January.
- Set a smaller goal related to that action step that is easily completed during the first week of January and do it.
You've taken a year long goal and broken it down to it's smallest steps. That first step in the first week of January has created momentum that enables you to continue to follow through. This will keep you on track to achieve your yearly goals. For example, losing 50 lbs can seem somewhat daunting. But losing 10 lbs in 3 months is easier to grasp. Choosing to make healthier eating choices in January is easier still. Choosing to buy a low-fat cookbook and plan a meal from it is something you can do tonight! And it'll help you to get on the path you want and stay on it until that large goal of 50 lbs is achieved.
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~ Joel Garfinkle
Dream Job Coaching:
Live Your Dream Life!
Reader response to Financial Fears Article 12/17/2000
Joel, I really related to this article. When I made the transition from sales to training I worked on a per diem basis in my first position--no guaranteed hours, no benefits. I was very fearful of not making enough money and facing severe hardship and financial ruin. Finally I took a "financial inventory" and considered the worst case scenario. It wasn't as bad as I feared. I was able to relax, devote myself to my new career, and make a successful transition.
It has been five years, my career has developed and evolved, and I now have a great job as a trainer and curriculum designer. I love my work, and now that I have found my right work, I am confident that I can transition more easily into a new position should the need or opportunity present itself. Our fears can really get out of hand and simply assessing the situation realistically helps keep them in check.
Contributed by Marilyn Ashlin.
Quotes of the week
"One of the most essential things you need to do for yourself is to choose a goal that is important to you. Perfection does not exist -- you can always do better and you can always grow."
~ Les Brown
"A leader is best When people barely know he exists, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will say: We did it ourselves."
~ Lao-Tzu
"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by spectacular preparation."
~ Robert H. Schuller
Tip of the Week
Here is a tip I use whenever I feel overwhelmed and frustrated. To overcome this I take some time out and write down what I need to do to or accomplish in my life to not feel so overwhelmed. Typically this requires identifying all the things I need to do that are outstanding in my life. Usually there are many work things, but more importantly I list things I must do at home, and even conversations I need to have with people. Then I prioritize my list and place time lines on each item.
After breaking down what needs to be done I am able to put things in a better perspective. I then start tackling my list, most important things first. Often some of the simple things that might seem insignificant, by getting them done I'm able to feel a lot of relief. I find that when I get everything in alignment (work, home, kids, husband, family, friends, etc.) I am then able to feel more in control and am no longer overwhelmed. When I do this I do a better job interacting with others and overall do a better job in work, at home etc.
Contributed by Gabrielle Campbell, Accenture Consulting www.accenture.com
We Recommend
Don't Sabotage Your Success! Make Office Politics Work
by Karen Ginsburg Wood
If I am accomplishing my objectives...why am I not succeeding in my career? Most people believe that if they just do an outstanding job they will impress their superiors and through osmosis they will enjoy a strong secure relationship. This kind of thinking becomes the root of the most devastating career letdowns.
Good work does not always equal a successful career. The reason? Some people have more power, influence, and accountability in the organization. The resulting hierarchical relationships can be more difficult to master than any other single component in one's career. Yet they are the key to creating professional success and happiness.
Don't Sabotage Your Success! focuses on how you can build professional intimacy, reveals why we don't build trust in our business affiliations, and suggests ways to begin securing critical relationships. Available on Amazon.com.
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Coaching Services
Joel Garfinkle is available for coaching. Send him an email at joel@dreamjobcoach.com or call (510) 339-3201.
Copyright 1998-2006, Joel Garfinkle, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute DreamsWork so long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached.