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Fulfillment@Work: ONE YEAR TO LIVE
April 31, 2000

Welcome to the Fulfillment@Work Newsletter
Published by Joel Garfinkle, Dream Job Coaching
ISSN: 1533-3906


1. One Year to Live
2. Quotes of the Week

Feature Article
One Year to Live

If you knew the exact date when your life would end, what would you do differently? More specifically, if you had only one year left and had to continue to work for a living, what would you change about your day to day life right now? Would you continue to work for your current employer or would you do something that satisfies your heart?

A large majority of people would seek work that fulfills them, work they value and truly desire. As you read this article and begin your day today, this is the mindset you need to have because, in truth, part of you is dying when the work you do doesn't energize and uplift you. You have the power to change that and the ability to do it now. Create the life you want doing work you love. Change course and discover the abundant number of possibilities that are open to you.

Many people wait until they reach their 50's, 60's or 70's before they realize that life is finite and if they are going to do that which they've secretly dreamed, they must begin now. It's why so many people go back to school, take a class on gourmet cooking or a foreign language or begin to learn a musical instrument in their later years. These interests that have lain dormant for so many years can open new careers and new avenues of joy.

Recognize that life is finite regardless of what your age is. It is precious and each moment must be treasured and used wisely. No one can capture time and store it away for a later date. It is something you must spend each day and, at the end of the day, decide whether you've spent it wisely or wasted it. Seize the day and breath life back into the dreams of work and life you've left untouched for too long.

Use this message as springboard to a whole new future just waiting for you to discover it. Live your life. It's time for a change. Please email mailto:joel@d... if this article resonates with you. Let me know how I could support you in making a change!

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~ Joel Garfinkle
Dream Job Coaching:
Live Your Dream Life!

Quotes of the Week

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
~ James Dean

Those who have the humility of a child may find again the key to reverence for, and kinship with all life.
~ J. Allen Boone

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