Fulfillment@Work: Tasting Your Greatness
Question of the Day
Greatness isn't just about winning the race. It requires stretching beyond your best. What is your greatness? How do you push yourself beyond your best? Email your answer to joel@dreamjobcoach.com.
Tasting Your Greatness, Part 1
When you look at your life where do you see your greatness shining? Greatness can come in many forms and for each person it is something different. For example, it can shine when spending time with your family or friends, while working, during telephone conversations or even washing the dishes. Look within yourself and let the greatness within you come forward.
I know that I am acting out of my greatness when I am using my strengths and doing what I love. Do you know where your greatness or true potential lies? Maybe you are uncertain and ask yourself, "What is my greatness?" I don't have that answer, but you do.
Here's how you experience it: Sit back, relax and close your eyes. Imagine, for example, you're heading towards a finish line in the Olympic 50 yard dash. Though your closest competitor is a stride behind, you give it your all and beat your own personal best time by several tenths of a second. Greatness isn't just about winning the race. It requires stretching beyond your best. Remember we deserve only the best of what life has to offer and the first step towards this moment is allowing yourself to experience your own potential, your greatness.
How can you be all you were meant to be professionally? How can you be all you were meant to be in relationships? How can you be all you were meant to be, financially?
"Dare to be what you are meant to be and to do what you are meant to do, and life will provide you the means to do it and be it." James Dillet Freeman
Success Formula Greatness = Strengths + Joy + Stretching
Tasting Your Greatness, Part II
The Joy of Work: 6 Ways to Enjoy Work Appreciate a co-worker:
- Think of a co-worker (boss, manager, employee, mentor, co- worker) and schedule a meeting where you can spend the entire time showing them all the appreciation you have for him or her.
- Slow down: Slow down and enjoy the work you are doing right now. Don't rush just to finish the work, but enjoy the process so the journey of work becomes wonderful.
- Be grateful for 8 minutes: Spend only 8 minutes of your day increasing your awareness of the gratefulness you have at work. You can do this exercise in the morning before your day begins OR at lunch OR at the end of your day.
- Ask for positive feedback: Ask for positive feedback on your performance within your current project or overall job. You don't have to wait for your yearly review to get positive feedback on the work you are doing well. Make sure the person giving the feedback is aware of addressing only the positive and not the areas for improvement.
- Pick the most enjoyable activity: Make a list of all the activities you need to complete today. Rather than picking the most productive or the one you "should" do, choose the one you really want to do.
- Create an enjoyable project to work on: Think of a project you would enjoy working on and propose this to your employer. Explain the benefits to the company of their supporting this project. Besides impressing your boss with your ingenuity, you will be turning your current job into a dream job.
Tasting Your Greatness, Part III
Did You Know?
On June 2, 1941, Lou Gehrig called me from his office. Mayor LaGuardia had appointed him to the New York City Parole Board to work with and encourage youthful lawbreakers. Gehrig threw himself into the work with everything he had, or had left. He also kept up a lively interest in research into the disease that had driven him out of baseball. It was a note about the latter that prompted his phone call.
"I've got some good news for you," he said. "Looks like the boys in the labs might have come up with a real breakthrough. They've got some new serum that they've tried on 10 of us who have the same problem. And, you know something? It seems to be working on nine out of 10. How about that?"
He was elated. I tried not to ask the question, but it came out anyway, after a bit. "How about you, Lou?" Lou said, "Well, it didn't work on me. But how about that for an average?-nine out of 10! Isn't that great?"
I said, yes, it was great. So was he.
~ Bob Considine
They Rose Above It
A Fawcett Crest Book
I appreciate your forwarding this article to your friends, family and co-workers, since this is how we grow. Please forward it and share it with anyone you think will enjoy it. Are there any stories or articles for Did You Know? that you would like to share? If so, please send them to joel@dreamjobcoach.com. I will give you credit for sending in the article, if I use it in a future edition.
Your comments and ideas are always welcome. Thank you for your precious time and have a productive Week.
~ Joel Garfinkle
Dream Job Coaching:
Live Your Dream Life!
Coaching Services
Joel Garfinkle is available for coaching. Send him an email at joel@dreamjobcoach.com or call (510) 339-3201.
Copyright 1998-2006, Joel Garfinkle, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute DreamsWork so long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached.