Want to live longer? Take your vacation... all of it!
Do you take advantage
of all your vacation days? More than one-third of American workers
don't, according to a survey by the Families and Work Institute. And
only 14 percent go away for more than two weeks at a time.
Well, here are
some statistics that might chase you out of the office:
" Women who
take the least amount of vacations are at a 50 percent higher risk
for a heart attack. (Framington Heart Study, 1992)
" Infrequent
male vacationers have a 20 percent higher risk of dying from any cause
and nearly a 50 percent higher risk of dying from a heart attack.
(Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, 2000)
even those who manage to escape, 92% say they do work-related communications
outside of work, including on vacations. Nearly three-fourths say
they stay "switched on" during weekends.
Your health isn't
the only thing at risk.
- Your creativity
and innovation go down
- Poor quality
- Decline in
- Feel apathetic
- Negative feelings
toward the job
- Leads to burnout
If you don't take
time off, you'll get burnt out. Burnt out is caused by long hours
over long periods, no vacation or breaks, high stress and job pressures.
You need to be careful of pushing yourself beyond the limits of good
health and good sense.
So, you need to
schedule time off. This is so vitally important because it will help
you disconnect and disengage, catch your breath, gain rest, recovery
and relaxation. This is vital to preventing burnout.
Get away from
the business. Yes, completely away. Absolutely no interruptions, no
cell phone, computer, email. You want to be completely unplugged.
Getting unplugged and disconnected will help you recharge your energy
for work. You'll be able to work at peak efficiency with a fresh mind
if you take time off for yourself.
And you may live
longer, too!
Are you a "workaholic"?
Dr. Bryan E. Robinson,
author of Chained to the Desk: A Guidebook for Workaholics, their
Partners and Children, calls it "the nation's best dressed addiction."
Find out if you're a victim of this obsessive-compulsive disorder
by taking Dr. Robinson's 25-question quiz:
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