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Fulfillment@Work: MONEY VS HAPPINESS
June 26, 2000

Welcome to the Fulfillment@Work Newsletter
Published by Joel Garfinkle, Dream Job Coaching
ISSN: 1533-3906


1. Money vs Happiness
2. Quotes of the Week
3. Tip of the Week
4. We Recommend

Feature Article
Money Versus Happiness

by Joel Garfinkle

Does your current work satisfy you? Really? On what levels? Money is certainly important for survival but satisfaction is equally important for long-term happiness. Many of us fall into a particular line of work by accident. We learn of a job opening through a friend or we accept a new job that offers higher pay. We stay with a job because of the benefits or because we believe we don't have any options for anything better.

Staying with a job merely because we've found a level of comfort there through familiar faces, routine tasks or a level of salary that we can survive on doesn't mean we've found what can ensure a lifetime of happiness.

Many with a college degree who restricted their vision to openings only within their field of expertise have discovered that. Yet, you might be surprised to learn that the percentage of people who are actually working in the field they specifically received a degree in is quite small. In most cases, we major in that which we believe offers the greatest opportunity for success at the time.

Newspapers report a severe shortage of engineers and suddenly many of those intent on success major in engineering. Or teaching. Or law. It becomes the 'soup of the day' syndrome. We spend four or more years studying a field and, with the cost involved, we assure ourselves we truly love this avocation. Five or ten years down the road, we discover it's lost its allure. But we allow whatever perks and salary we've achieved to convince us we are locked into this life. Our field of vision shrinks to only that which we currently do. It doesn't make us happy. It doesn't fulfill the dream of what we could be. We accept it because we believe that's the way life is.

What we need to do is evaluate what we get out of work versus what we would like to get. Where does money rate on your scale? How about happiness? Work relationships? The work performed? By looking at what we expect to get out of work and rating them in order of importance, we can begin to determine what we most value and find ways to increase satisfaction of those factors we deem most important.

If you want to learn how to Find Your Dream Job, click here:

If you want to learn about Executive Coaching, visit:

~ Joel Garfinkle
Dream Job Coaching:
Live Your Dream Life!

Quotes of the Week

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
~ Helen Keller

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death."
~ James F. Byrnes

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
~ Les Brown

Tip of the Week

Get support! Whether you're involved in the search for your dream job or working on finding more fulfillment in your current job, it's much harder to do on your own. Seek out coworkers, friends, local support groups. Find or create a networking group. Start career coaching. Commit to taking at least one step this week to giving yourself more support along the path to your dreams.

We Recommend
Organizing from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Your Office and Your Life

by Julie Morgenstern. Owl Books, 1998.

Organizing guru Julie Morgenstern has a great system for helping to clear out clutter and get organized. She doesn't blame you or chastise you, she simply realizes that a lot of people weren't taught how to be organized & sets about to teach you how. She focuses on what will work for you specifically, not a general system - she looks at where you have failed in the past and why and then teaches you how to overcome that. Once you're organized, you'll have more time and space to focus on finding your dream job!

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Coaching Services

Joel Garfinkle is available for coaching. Send him an email at or call (510) 339-3201.


Copyright 1998-2006, Joel Garfinkle, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy or distribute DreamsWork so long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached.